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The Influence of Foreign Branding and Brand Personality Towards Perceived Product Advantage (Rp. 56.000,-)

Judul    : The Influence of Foreign Branding and Brand Personality Towards Perceived Product Advantage and Brand Image
Kode    : NF-IoFBaBP
Kategori: non fiksi
Halaman: 121
ISBN     : 978-623-7214-77-9
Penulis  : Yohanes and Suresh Kumar, S.T., M.Si.
Harga   : Rp. 56.000,-

This monograph is studying the impact of foreign branding on purchase intention. Other than foreign branding, this study is also aware the needs of brand personality in purchase intention. It is believed that customers not only buy products because of its usefulness but also its brand since it provides guarantee, comfortability, and security.

This monograph aims at the understanding of purchase intention through foreign branding, brand personality, product advantage, and brand image. It is expected this study would give benefit not only to Lea Jeans but also local players to win the customers. It is also expected the results would give better ideas for local players to play in other industry than fashion.

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Antecedents and Consequences of Entrepreneurial Quality Among Graduate Entrepreneurs in Jakarta (Rp. 54.000,-)

Judul    : Antecedents and Consequences of Entrepreneurial Quality Among Graduate Entrepreneurs in Jakarta
Kode    : NF-AaCoEQ
Kategori: non fiksi
Halaman: 102
ISBN     : 978-623-7214-76-2
Penulis  : Tiraz Aulia Aminin and Suresh Kumar, S.T., M.Si.
Harga   : Rp. 54.000,-

This monograph is modeling an entrepreneurial success among graduates to motivate graduates in the future to choose entrepreneurship as their career path. From past studies, it is found that psychosocial factors (social support, work experience, university experience, mentoring) contribute to entrepreneurial quality which in turn leads to entrepreneurial success. It is believed that social support in this case, the environment where we are, our family, friends, cultures are somehow have some impact to not only intention to become an entrepreneur but also to the success of an entrepreneur. Work experience gives some insight how to start and run a business, hence it helps to shape someone to be an entrepreneur. Some studies also reveal that simulating a business in university life either in a business project or being mentored by an entrepreneur plays an important role in the success of those who would become an entrepreneur.

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Indonesian Consumers' Patronage Invention Toward Shopping Malls (Rp. 72.000,-)

Judul    : Indonesian Consumers' Patronage Invention Toward Shopping Malls
Kode    : NF-ICPITS
Kategori: non fiksi
Halaman: 182
ISBN    : 978-623-7214-73-1
Penulis  : Faruqi Ismael and Suresh Kumar, S.T., M.Si.
Harga   : Rp. 72.000,-

This monograph is expected to find out what factors that are being concerned by customers to choose a shopping mall. Based on the previous studies some variables are considered very important to determine customers’ intention to choose a shopping mall, they are perceived value, convenience orientation, trust, customer satisfaction and willingness to buy. Hence, to confirm the previous studies, quantitative method is employed with a survey as a tool to collect data. Since DKI Jakarta has the highest number of shopping malls and it is the capital city of Indonesia where many Indonesians from various races live, hence DKI Jakarta is taken as the place of study to represent Indonesia as a whole.

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Visual Merchandising, Sales Promotion, and Credit Card Usage Influence Impulse Buying Behavior (Rp. 56.000,-)

Judul    : Visual Merchandising, Sales Promotion, and Credit Card Usage Influence Impulse Buying Behavior
Kode    : NF-VMSPCC
Kategori: non fiksi
Halaman: 108
ISBN     : 978-623-7214-74-8
Penulis  : Diah Octaviany Nur Sabrina and Suresh Kumar
Harga   : Rp. 56.000,-

 This monograph sees that visual merchandising, sales promotion, and credit card usage as key factors to increase the impulse buying of customers. One of the famous brand of batik, Batik Trusmi IBR, has been chosen as the object of research to examine customers experience during their shopping there.

Every retailer tries to win the competition by keeping its sales revenue increase. Retailers have done several kinds of strategies, including creating impulse buying behavior. Using Batik Trusmi IBR Cirebon as the object of the research, this research analyzed the impact of visual merchandising factors, sales promotion, and credit card usage toward impulse buying behavior. 

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Api Kata-kata (Rp. 150.000,-)

Judul    : Api Kata-kata 
Kode    : NF-AKK
Kategori: Non fiksi
Halaman: 890
ISBN     : 978-623-7214-65-6
Penulis  : Furqan Jurdi
Harga   : Rp. 150.000,-

Ini merupakan kumpulan materi ceramah, khotbah, dan diskusi yang pernah penulis sampaikan dalam beberapa kesempatan. Risalah ini hanya sebagian dari semua materi yang pernah penulis ungkapkan. Namun dalam proses moderasi buku ini, tulisan-tulisan tersebut telah di lengkapi dengan beberapa literatur-literatur tambahan, sehingga banyak yang diisi dengan kajian-kajian terbaru.

Buku ini terbagi dalam dua bagian utama. Pertama adalah pergolakan pemikiran yang terjadi dalam proses pencarian dan penjelajahan literatur yang telah penulis geluti sekian lama menjadi mahasiswa.

Bagian kedua buku ini adalah kata-kata penulis seputar politik kebangsaan yang terjadi, ketika mulai mengikuti perkembangan dinamika kebangsaan dan politik nasional. Sebagai sebuah upaya untuk memahami realitas yang terjadi di tengah-tengah kehidupan kebangsaan, keumatan dan ke-Indonesiaan.

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